Health added new photos to PCOS
15 w

The polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age.
PCOS can make the ovaries develop small collections of fluid and fail to regularly release eggs.
The symptomes include:
Irregular periods Excess androgen (leads to excess facial and body hair/acne/baldness)Weight gainMood swingsPCOS can be prevented via a variety of means, such as:
Balanced blood sugarRestore balance to your HPA Lower cortisol levelsSupport thyroidReduced inflammationFind out nutrient deficienciesMaintain a healthy body composition#pcosucks #pcosdietsupport #pcossupportandpositivity #pcosdiet #adrenalfatigue #womenshealthcoach #hormoneimbalance #pcosnutrition #pcos #pcosweightloss
