Wondering what the symptoms of insulin resistance are?

Here are the most common ones:

Craving sweets and salty
Increased urination
Tingling sensations
Dark skin spots
General fatigue

#insulinresistancesymptoms #insulinresistanceproblems #insulinresistancesolutions #insulinresistancediet #metabolismdietitian #prometabolic #fitnutrition #hormonehealth #metabolism #holisticnutrition


Insulin resistance is a common condition in which cells fail to respond properly to the hormone insulin. There are a variety of possible causes for this, but the ones you must take into consideration are:

Obesity & bodyfat levels
Non-exercise activity
Genetic susceptibility

Are you fighting insulin resistance? Comment down below and share your experience!

#insulinsensitivityfactor #glycemiccontrol #insulinresistance #insulinsensitivity #insulina #diabetesmanagement #healthynutrition #insulin #cgms #healthyeating


Did you know that a burst of simple laughter can increase your blood flow by up to 20% and even more than that, it can:

Decrease heart rate and blood pressure
Sooth muscle tension
Relieve pain
Release neuropeptides that help fight stress and other illnesses

Surround yourself with funny, relaxed people and watch your quality of life improve!

#findthechildwithin #laughterishealthy #loveothersasyourself #laughteristhebestmedicine #laughter #laughoutloud #laugh #smile #smilemore #laughing


Do NOT allow health to be something you take for granted!
Even though health and inner balance are your body’s primary goals, make sure to nurture your body on its way to health.

Eat well.
Move well.
Rest well.
Be mindful.

#boundariesarehealthy #healthisyourhealth #alkalinefood #greenjuices #selfhelptips #selftalkmatters #selflovematters #healthiswealth #selfcare #selfcaretips


One of the best combinations with keto is intermittent fasting as this may improve diet
adherence and sustainability.
You can try the most popular kind of intermittent fasting, which is the 16/8 method - That
involves eating during an eight-hour timeframe before fasting for 16.
Have you tried this combination and if yes, how did it work for you?

#intermittentfasting #carnivorediet #paleo #nutrition #extendedfasting #fastingforweightloss
#fastingtips #verticaldiet #fastingforhealth #losingweight #fat2fit


Tired of the same old tasteless cooked meat?
Try this keto cranberry sauce variation!
Tell us how you like it!

#sugarfreecranberries #ketocranberries #ketodrinks #ketoideas #ketogenicdiet #ketodesserts
#ketodrinkessentials #zerosugar #lowcarbgoodies #ketotreats #lowcarbdiet #ketofam

KETO added new photos to thanks keto giving!
16 w

Thanksgiving is a time of the year that might set you off keto for a bit.

While that’s fine, you still have to follow at least an idea of a plan!
Are you the idealist or the full-on ketogenic person? What do you focus on during thanksgiving?
Comment below!
#thanksgivingrecipes #ketoholidays #intermittentfasting #ketodiet #ketofriendly
#thanksgivingmeals #healthyeatinghabits #nutritioniskey #nutritioncoaching #flexibledieting


Interested in working out and curious about the biology behind weight loss? 🙂
Here’s ⬆a simple explanation of where the fat puddles ‘go’ during weight loss. Simply, the excess energy acquired from food gets stored in the fat cells which swell with time giving you a chubby appearance. Once you start your weight loss journey, ie workouts, your body taps on these fat cells for energy to power up your exercises. The more you work out, the more this fat gets burnt🔥 to provide you with energy.
If you’re new to the world of fitness, why not follow our page for resourceful and interesting facts? Drop us a like too, and see you soon👍🏻


At times, you could lose muscle before losing fat if you try to lose weight without eating. That means no bikini body or no abs.😾 Tricky, isn’t it?
Want to lose fat and maintain muscle mass? Let's keep this simple. Do high-intensity cardio for at least 200 hours every week. Ensure you take proteins for hypertrophy, carbs to fuel your workouts, then rest to let the magic happen.
If you liked this post, there are lots of exciting and resourceful content on the way. Don’t hesitate to follow us and recommend us to a friend too 👍🏻


We’ve all been there😫.
Whether it’s a wedding, a family get-together, or a cheat day? Chances of binge eating are often high👆
But what if it happens on a regular day? Cut yourself some slack, will you? It’s only for a day, or probably two. Just make sure it doesn’t reach a point where it’s out of control✋🏻
Got someone in mind who loves food? Tag them 👇 then help us spread the love by dropping us a👍🏻❤
