Unleash the Power of Vitamin C! 🍊
✨ Did you know there are incredible sources of vitamin C that surpass oranges?
🌟 Lime, broccoli, brussels sprouts, kiwi, red cabbage, guava, and green pepper are just a few! 🌿πŸ₯
πŸ₯¦ Discover nature's vibrant treasures packed with immune-boosting vitamin C and elevate your health journey.
Embrace these vitamin-rich wonders and let your wellness soar! πŸ’ͺ


Unveiling the Secrets to a Strong and Resilient Immune System! πŸ’ͺ✨ Discover the powerful habits and practices that can help you stay healthy and thriving. From nourishing your body with wholesome foods to prioritizing self-care and managing stress, unlock the key to a robust immune system. Join the journey to optimal well-being and embrace a healthier lifestyle. 🌱✨

NewMe Hub changed his profile cover
14 w


Health added new photos to PCOS
15 w

The polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age.
PCOS can make the ovaries develop small collections of fluid and fail to regularly release eggs.
The symptomes include:
Irregular periods Excess androgen (leads to excess facial and body hair/acne/baldness)Weight gainMood swingsPCOS can be prevented via a variety of means, such as:
Balanced blood sugarRestore balance to your HPA Lower cortisol levelsSupport thyroidReduced inflammationFind out nutrient deficienciesMaintain a healthy body composition#pcosucks #pcosdietsupport #pcossupportandpositivity #pcosdiet #adrenalfatigue #womenshealthcoach #hormoneimbalance #pcosnutrition #pcos #pcosweightloss


Even if you know everything there is to know about health, training, and eating, hiring a coach is still a viable option, mainly because you get an outside perspective!
Here’s what a health coach can do for you:
Setup and track food & exercise plansHelp you analyze relationships and manage stressHelp you optimize sleepHelp you with health services & careerAnything related to your overall wellbeingDo you have a health coach and how have they helped you? Comment down below!
#healthcoachhelp #healthcoach #coach #holistichealth #holistichealing #healthylifestyle #healthymeals #healthcoaching #healthyfood #takeabreak

Health added new photos to Leaky gut syndrome
16 w

The LGS is a digestive condition in which bacteria and toxins are able to leak through the intestinal wall, which in turn may lead to a variety of other conditions, such as IBS, chronic liver disease, and PCOS.
The symptoms include:
Chronic diarrhea, constipation, and bloatingNutritional deficienciesFatigue and confusionHeadaches Lower cognitive outputSkin problemsInflammationAnd though that sounds horrific, there are ways to prevent it, such as:
ProbioticsFiber-rich foods (veggies, whole grains)Less meat, dairy, and processed foodsNo added sugar and less processed foods#leakyguthealing #probioticsforlife #leakygutsyndrome #guthealthmatters #gut #microbiome #gutmicrobiome #guthealthy #guthealth #fitfood #probiotic


Did you know that eggs are the standard for the biological value of proteins, measuring at 100 out of 100?
Just 2 eggs per day can help you:
Get more high-quality proteinIncrease high-density lipoprotein levelsGet more choline and improve normal functioningProvide omega-3 fatty acidsDerive 80% of your daily vitamin DDerive 50% of your daily folateDerive 25% of your daily vitamin B2Derive 40% of your daily selenium requirementsDo YOU eat eggs daily? Comment down below!
#superfoodsunday #superfoodideas #superfoodies #superfoodlife #superfoodbreakfast #superfoodsforthewin #acaibowls #acaiteria #superfoodsmoothie #gettinghealthy


Wondering what the symptoms of insulin resistance are?

Here are the most common ones:

Craving sweets and salty
Increased urination
Tingling sensations
Dark skin spots
General fatigue

#insulinresistancesymptoms #insulinresistanceproblems #insulinresistancesolutions #insulinresistancediet #metabolismdietitian #prometabolic #fitnutrition #hormonehealth #metabolism #holisticnutrition


Wondering what the symptoms of insulin resistance are?

Here are the most common ones:

Craving sweets and salty
Increased urination
Tingling sensations
Dark skin spots
General fatigue

#insulinresistancesymptoms #insulinresistanceproblems #insulinresistancesolutions #insulinresistancediet #metabolismdietitian #prometabolic #fitnutrition #hormonehealth #metabolism #holisticnutrition
