Pay extra attention to your health or have a condition such as diabetes?
How to read a nutritional label is important since it helps you determine which ingredients could be great for your health or those that could cause harm. The illustration πŸ‘† should get you started.
Don’t fret if you find it hard to read your first label. It takes some practice. Remember sharing is caring tooπŸ‘πŸ»πŸƒ
#nutrition #nutritionallabels #health #humanhealth #healthylifestyle


Heard of macronutrients before? Don’t fret, we’ve made an engaging and resourceful post on the topic, so be sure to check it out on our page.
So having in mind what they’re comprised of and their role on the body, where do we find them? Seek no further, as we got you covered with the examples πŸ‘†
Got some feedback? Let us know what you think at the comments πŸ‘‡ and don’t hesitate to drop us a πŸ‘πŸ»
#diet #foodsources #macronutrients #dailydose #healthessentials


Heard of macronutrients before? They’re simply the essential day-to-day nutrients we consume for physical growth and sustenance. They comprise proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
On the other hand, micronutrients are those required in fewer amounts such as fruits. We’ve detailed more about macronutrients πŸ‘†, and if you wish to find out more about nutrition and health, we’ve got tons of resourceful content you’ve got to check out.
Drop us a like and tag a friend too🍌🍻
#macronutrients #dailymacros #humandiet #dietessentials

Sometimes? Life tends to throw us so many lemons that we’ve got to sweeten in a little bit, right?πŸ€”
But then, the sugar tends to be a little bit too much that it becomes another issue. Aside from some health conditions such as Diabetes 1 which come with adverse effects, which other compelling reasons would make it ideal to abandon excess sugars and sweetened foods?
Check out the list above if you need some inspiration. Also, give yourself time to take away a spoon at a time. To be on the bright side, we post some healthy content on nutrition. Why not give us a try?πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™‚
#sugar #sugarharms #cravingforsweet #healthylifestyle


Sometimes? Life tends to throw us so many lemons that we’ve got to sweeten in a little bit, right?πŸ€”
But then, the sugar tends to be a little bit too much that it becomes another issue. Aside from some health conditions such as Diabetes 1 which come with adverse effects, which other compelling reasons would make it ideal to abandon excess sugars and sweetened foods?
Check out the list above if you need some inspiration. Also, give yourself time to take away a spoon at a time. To be on the bright side, we post some healthy content on nutrition. Why not give us a try?πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™‚
#sugar #sugarharms #cravingforsweet #healthylifestyle


Life gave us lemons, and people have found ingenious ways to make great use of them.
When it comes to health, lemons have become the roll Royce of fruits since they’re closely associated with natural remedies of healing covid.
But even before Corona, thanks to vitamins and potassium they can help in weight management and other health benefits.
Know someone who drinks lemons regularly? Tag them πŸ‘‡ then don’t forget to drop us a πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»


Remember that headache you couldn’t explain? πŸ˜•
At times, minor discomforts of the body are primarily symptoms of various nutrients in the body. Not entirely major ailments, so don’t panic. Some of the symptoms you can look for are listed above for you.
But why not prevent them by sticking to a balanced diet instead? This includes the content you consume. A little health on your feed won’t hurt, so don’t hesitate to drop us a πŸ‘πŸ» and a follow for more resourceful nutritional tips.


Heard of histidine? Leucine and methionine?
When it comes to essential amino acids, they are 9 amino acids that cannot be produced by the body itself. That’s where the demand for the foods listed πŸ‘† comes in handy.
For more insightful tips to keep you healthy, follow us, and don’t forget to drop us a likeπŸ‘πŸ»


Are you vegetarian? Perhaps, have a friend who’s not into steaks and bacon?
If so, the concern of getting your daily hoard of protein should no longer be your concern. We got you covered with our examples of plant-based protein plants just above.
Just to point out, I’m a huge fan of lentils and quinoa. And some bacon tooπŸ™‚. What about you? Let us know belowπŸ‘‡πŸ‘πŸ»


Hey youπŸ‘ˆπŸ»
Do you often take into consideration the nutrients you consume in every diet? In this case, zinc is an essential nutrient available in small amounts within different food products. However, if you’re deficient in zinc and you require an urgent boost, why not check out the list of the foods above?
Nutrition is an integral part of our daily life. We simplify the complex stuff, so you might want to check out our page linked πŸ‘‡πŸ‘πŸ»
