The answer is... True.
Did you know that most seed oils are heavily treated during production, which leads to them, having a very imbalanced omega-3/6 profile?
The sheer amount of omega-6 fatty acids has been proven to be highly inflammatory and you should therefore avoid all types of seed oils.
Instead, rely on olive oil, for your salads and butter for your cooking!
Furthermore, to get your essential dietary fat, add foods like fatty fish, avocados, nuts, and omega-3 supplements!
#seedoils #realfood #healthylifestyle #vegetableoils #butterishealthy #lowcarbdiet #healthysnacks #weightloss #hearthealthy #healthyfats #healthiswealth


Many diet trends nowadays promote the exclusion of a certain macronutrient, demonizing it as a threat to health.
Most of this however is a bunch of marketing tricks to sell you a product.
What this means is that if you are generally healthy, you are best off eating a balanced diet, as that has been proven times and again to be most sustainable!
Focus on quality proteins and fats, for they are essential.
Eat some quality carbs, for they are the best source of energy for training and thinking.
Stay balanced.
#diettrends #diets #healthandfitness #intermittentfasting #paleodiet #nutritiontips #nutritionnews #superfoods #cleaneating #cleandiet #wellnessjourney #ketodiet


The answer is... True!
Quality dietary fats are essential for the body because they are needed for a variety of processes, but the body can't produce them on its own.
The side effects of insufficient fat intake include, but are not limited to:
Poor thermal regulationHormonal disbalancePoor nutrient absorptionAnd if you are looking for good, high-quality fats, avocados are a PERFECT choice and they go well with any dish due to their fairly neutral taste!
Besides avocados, you can go for products like fatty fish, beef, butter, nuts, and non-heat treated olive oil!
What's YOUR favorite fat source? Comment below!
#dietary #nutrition #workout #heath #healthcare #wellbeing #meals #fitnesslifestyle #healthylifestyle #bodybuilding #excersise #fitnessgoals


Though commonly used recreationally, alcohol is, in fact, liquid poison!
Not only does it kill essential nutrients in the body and make it harder for our organs to work, but it also provides empty calories that the body needs to process.
This means that the calories from alcohol have no nutritional value whatsoever.
Nevertheless, that doesn't mean you should stop drinking altogether - Enjoy your drink (even if it's heavy alcohol) every now and then, but make sure that the majority of food and drinks you feed your body are of good value.
Quality protein. Quality fat. Quality carbs.
#stopdrinking #healthytips #healthandfitness #healthylife #healthydrinking #alcoholfree #nonalcoholic #zeroalcohol #lowsugardrinks #dailyreminder #healthyliving #lovewater


When in a caloric deficit (eating less than you need to maintain body weight) you lose weight - That's a given!
However, that weight loss isn't just fat - You also lose lean body mass (LBM).
LBM is every other tissue in the body, except fat.
Besides the loss of LBM, there are also metabolic adaptations that occur, and what was once a caloric deficit, becomes caloric maintenance.
This is because the body recognizes the deficit of energy and tries to save up on energy by reducing non-exercise activity and overall, making you more lethargic.
To avoid this, you can utilize diet breaks!
No, that doesn't mean totally ditching the diet for some time.
A diet break is simply a time when you eat at caloric maintenance - You still track calories but slightly increase food to stop losing weight and just maintain it.
This helps you break the physical and mental chains of a caloric deficit and mitigate the side effects of weight loss!
What is YOUR experience with diet breaks? Comment below!
#dietbreaks #physique #nutritionresearch #rapidfatloss #fatloss #workout #caloriecounting #weightwatchers #sciencebasednutrition #eatclean #lowcarbohydrate


Casein is a dairy protein that has been shown to digest slowly in the body.
It is found primarily in cheese and other dairy products, but is also used as an ingredient in many other food products.
Casein can be of great benefit before and after a workout, but also prior to sleep time, as it can supply a consistent, slow release of proteins for recovery, while you sleep (without ruining sleep quality).
How to derive it? Simple!
Either find high-quality dairy products and have them at dinner, or purchase a casein supplement at your local supplement store!
Comment your favorite protein flavor down below!
#protein #vitamins #casein #musclegain #bodybuilding #livewell #creatine #lifestyle #fitfam #health #nutrition


Though advocated as extremely healthy, plant-based diets are proven to lack essential amino acids, needed for optimal functioning.
This is because, unlike animal products, plants have incomplete amino acid profiles, making them generally suboptimal.
Nevertheless, if you choose to be plant-based, make sure to combine a variety of grains, legumes, and beans, as they can compensate for each other's lacks and provide a solid amino acid content in your diet!
#nutritionfacts #diethacks #diettips #healthylife #nutritiontips #nutritionfacts #gethealthy #healthydieting #weightlossfood #feedyourcells #weightlosssupport


Binging and cheating on your fitness plan may happen at one point or another, regardless of how good your fitness level is. The most important thing however, is to not let a single binge carry on to a ruined plan.
Get back to your workout routine, stay hydrated and active.Stay on track!
#focus #actions #control #fitness #active #mindset #onedayatatime #progressnotperfection #effort #justdoit #weightlossjourney #youcandoit


As a vegetarian, you may find it hard to derive all your protein, simply because the vegetarian diet excludes the highest quality protein sources. Nevertheless, every plant-based individual must make sure to combine a variety of different foods, in order to get all essential nutrients.
What are YOUR favorite vegetarian protein sources, both from this list and outside of it? Comment down below!
#vegetarianprotein #vegetarianfood #vegetarianlunch #meatfreemonday #meatfreemeal #healthylunch #healthylunchbox #healthyfood #snackideas #protein


Oftentimes, cheat meals lead to emotional breakdowns which in turn may set you off of your fitness plan’s main course. Wondering what to do to mitigate the effects a cheat meal can have on your body?
Here are 4 effective things to take on:
Rise with the sun and move!Don’t regret it, the energy from the food is already in use!Realize cheat meal has no negative effect on your long-term gameStart a challenge! And finish it.What do you do after a cheat meal/cheat day? Comment down below!
#emotionalbreakdowns #healthymeal #cheatday #selfcare #fitnessmotivation #weightlossjourney #nutrition #diettips #healthylifestyle #cleaneating
