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When it comes to testing ketone levels, you can go a couple of routes:
1. A blood test - Accurate but expensive
2. A urine test - Affordable, not highly reliable
3. A breathalyzer - Affordable but often least reliable option
How do YOU test your ketone levels? Comment below!

#ketonelevels #vegetarianketodiet #ketogirl ##ketonemeter #ketotipsforbeginners
#veganketodiet #ketoadapted #knowyourbody #simpleketodiet #nutritionscience


For some people, fasting is a blessing and for others, it is the most exhausting time of their life.
Which type are you? Comment below!


For some people, fasting is a blessing and for others, it is the most exhausting time of their life.
Which type are you? Comment below!

Tired of the same old tasteless cooked meat?
Try this keto cranberry sauce variation!
Tell us how you like it!

#sugarfreecranberries #ketocranberries #ketodrinks #ketoideas #ketogenicdiet #ketodesserts
#ketodrinkessentials #zerosugar #lowcarbgoodies #ketotreats #lowcarbdiet #ketofam


One of the best combinations with keto is intermittent fasting as this may improve diet
adherence and sustainability.
You can try the most popular kind of intermittent fasting, which is the 16/8 method - That
involves eating during an eight-hour timeframe before fasting for 16.
Have you tried this combination and if yes, how did it work for you?

#intermittentfasting #carnivorediet #paleo #nutrition #extendedfasting #fastingforweightloss
#fastingtips #verticaldiet #fastingforhealth #losingweight #fat2fit

